Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Dehydration and Depression

The Importance of Hydration
  •       We are composed of 55%-78% of water.
  •       Being hydrated promotes bodily function and accelerates the metabolic rate (increases the burning of calories)
  •       Drinking water helps your body eliminate excess calories
  •     Hydration boosts energy and activity

The Effects of Dehydration

·      Dehydration decreases the function of the metabolism, increasing weight and decreasing weight functions. 

·      Dehydration increases the heart rate and forces the liver to function as the liver and kidneys, the liver then begins and can only focus on cleaning. The focus should be on burning calories. With the inability to burn fats originally filtered out of the body by the liver, calories are retained and fat is stored. This makes the body prone to water retaining, causing the abdominal area to bloat and protrude.

·      Dehydration also leads to depression. Dehydration causes energy generation in the brain to decrease causing mental dysfunctions. It also leads to imbalance brain chemistry & poor concentration. 

                                Daily Recommended Amount of Water 

Men about 13 cups (3 liters) of total beverages a day 
Women about 9 cups (2.2 liters) of total beverages a day

Spice up your life and infuse your water with fruit!!

Color Is An Experience

 Vivid, LLC presents Creative Color Healing

Color is all in your head. Yes, you read that correctly. Seeing color, or color absorption, is the process of your eyes absorbing not what color looks like, but what color is. Color is sunlight! Color is wavelengths derived from sunlight in our atmosphere. Our mind processes these wavelengths as color variations. Each color represents a different wavelength and gives off a different energy.

Vivid, LLC utilizes this scientific theory in its practice. We utilize color absorption, the creative process, and meditation to impact the inner being of an individual. Each color represents a chakra, energy source, within the body. By utilizing color, an individual is able to fill or dilute their chakras, helping them to balance their emotions.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

The History of Color Healing

Creative Color Healing

"Creativity gives us the ability to calm the mental process when allowing the soul to express itself."
 -Janay Moreland, Certified Holistic Life Coach

Recognition and appreciation of art date back decades before the success of the well-known historic artists we have become familiar with today. For centuries, we have utilized art have as stimuli. However, art and its properties of color and shape usage have a profound effect on the mind, body, and soul. The history of art as treatment begins with the ancient Egyptians, Babylonians & Assyrians. They utilized art and color for mental and physical healing treatments. Creation of art was utilized as a mental health treatment for individuals with mental dysfunction(s). They also utilized healing stones and associated their colors with their healing properties. Here is an example of their practice:

Bronchitis & Epilepsy                                    Gold/Pearls
Diabetes                                                          Emerald
Heart/Brain                                                     Ruby
Protection against poison                               Turquoise
Eyes, ears, skin                                               Amber
Assist w/pregnancy                                        Jade
 prevent miscarriage         

Ancient Egyptian Color Meanings
Blue                                                                Sky, Water, the Heavens, Primeval Flood,   
                                                                       Creation and Rebirth

Red                                                                 Life, Fire, Victory, Anger, Hostility and Chaos

Yellow                                                            Imperishable, Eternal and Indestructible.

Green                                                              Fertility, Vegetation, New life, Joy,
                                                                        Growth and Regeneration

Black                                                              Death, Night, Endurance, Stability

White                                                              Purity, Power, Cleanliness and Simplicity.

    Life Coaching Tip: Why don't you utilize creativity healing      in your everyday life!?  
Do you find yourself mentally and emotionally burnt out some days? 
Is it hard for you to gather your mental strength some days? 

As history suggests, I would suggest taking the time to become more creative. Paint, work with clay, or even build with legos! When the mind is busy, engulfed in the process of creation, it is given the time to rest and "run in neutral". There is no grief of yesterday nor fear of tomorrow. Simply creativity in the present state.